Thursday, May 25, 2006


Finally, the exam is over!Nothing special about that but i have been waiting for this doubt the final liberation would be after my SPM, but who cares??I just feel great!Of course, I am not quite expecting any outstanding results this time around.I know i have not worked enough. And for those who do not know, SGGS has came up with a 'brilliant' idea where all students who do not get an A for their papers will be sent a letter to their parents.I am expecting a few letters though..*chuckles* hmm...I just feel great, that's all!!Not feeling great for expecting bad results but feeling great for i do not need to digest anymore facts today!And the joke for the day: While i was doing my EST paper this morning, instead of thinking and visualizing some Bio facts in my mind (Bio paper coming up)..I was actually thinking of what am i going to post later on this blog..haha and counting down the hours of exam left *laugh out loud*...But, what do you expect??i have been having to sit for the papers which in total came up to be more than 25 hours!!and for 10 continuous days!!

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